Spend Analytics

With better insights into organisational spend, zahara is good for the bottom line as well.

  • Budget progress reports
  • Line-item spend analysis
  • Month-end accruals
  • Custom reports

Built-in Spend Analytics

When you centralise all of your buying through Zahara, the analysis of both the line-items from purchases and invoices are there to be analysed. Our built-in reporting together with our enhanced off-line reporting allow you to see where you are spending money and the possibilities for cost savings.

Each supplier will have the spend history from invoices and purchase orders so you can easily view and analyse spend.


Budget Reporting

Zahara’s budgets allow you to create a framework for buying for both departmental and project spend. You can then report on budget performance and see how purchases will affect the budget. Reporting allows you to analyse all spend across all budgets.

project spend

Project Spend Analysis

With your quote accepted, the project kicks off and now it’s all down to controlling the costs. Zahara provides real-time reporting of project spend. You can report on project progress against granular budgets to make sure your projects perform profitably.

Why Choose Zahara

Secure System
Fast & Simple Setup
Multiple Users
Mobile friendly
Improves Workflow

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See Zahara’s other features

Purchase Requisition

Spend requests can be put into approvals workflows that then generate and send purchase orders.

Invoice Automation

Invoices can be received, read and routed our for approval so vendors can be paid on time with less effort.