Zahara Story

Shift Active Media

This accounts teams gained financial awareness and improved profitability resulting in coninued financial growth.

The Task

With such a fast growing and international presence, Shift needed to implement software to provide budgetary management, financial controls and approvals.

As the company used Sage as its accounting software, it was essential that the Purchase Approvals Platform was capable of integrating with Sage out of the box.

Finance System Used

shift screen shot

The Solution

The team at Shift found that Zahara’s Purchase Approvals Platform fitted the bill perfectly. Zahara’s integration with Sage took just a few clicks and resulted in all supplier records and nominal codes being synchronised across both platforms.

The Accounts team rolled Zahara out to the rest of the employees. The team found the platform to be very user friendly and adopted it in just a few days. Once deployed, the management team could set up budgets for departments, clients and brands, enforce a discipline of raising, approving and issuing purchase requisitions, purchase orders and invoices.

The Benefit

Zahara has helped Shift create a highly automated and compliant process. The benefit to the company is real time transparency of their global spending with fine grained control over every requisition, order and invoice. Shift found the sophisticated multi-level approvals workflow provided the flexibility and controls needed for their requirements.

Not only that, Zahara has helped focus the account teams on financial awareness and improving profitability resulting in continued successful growth.

As a direct consequence of this optimised process, the company has improved bottom line performance.


The people at Zahara have been very helpful at explaining the software. Whenever we have an issue, we know we can get a prompt response which gives us the security we need when dealing with urgent and large amounts of money.

Hollie Evans, Finance Assistant

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